When LLVM scalable vector meets RISC-V

And a mistery constant called "RVVBitsPerBlock"

There is a nice page about how LLVM handles RISC-V Vector Extension (RVV). It primarily covers how the RISC-V backend lowers vector types and vector operations. Right at the beginning of the page lies this table:

It shows the LLVM IR types we use to represent RVV’s dynamically sized vectors: each row is an element type, while each column is a LMUL – the register grouping factor, or “how many vector registers should we slap together and treat it as a single logical vector register”.

For instance, when LMUL = 4, each vector instruction effectively operates on a (gigantic) logical vector register that is four-time the size of a normal vector register. Under this LMUL setting, a RVV vector of 64-bit integer (i.e. i64) is represented by IR type <vscale x 4 x i64> according to the table.

Both LMUL and the element type can be changed at any point during the runtime, hence the dynamically sized vectors.

The <vscale x 4 x i64> is a scalable vector type in LLVM. It looks similar to a normal (fixed) vector type like <4 x i64> – a vector of four 64-bit integers – but the “vscale” keyword gives it the ability to scale the “base” vector type – namely, the 4 x i64 part, where 4 here is the minimum number of elements – by a certain factor, vscale, that is only known during runtime. So if vscale equals to 2 during runtime, we have an equivalent vector of <8 x i64>; <16 x i64> when vscale is 4. Simple, right?

Well…it looks simple until you squint a little harder at the table we just showed and start wonder: how exactly does RVV LMUL map to different scalable vector IR types? how do we calculate the minimum number of elements?

Using LMUL = 4 again as an example, but this time we want to use i32 as the element type. Intuitively, we would have thought the corresponding scalable vector type to be <vscale x 4 x i32> because the minimum number of elements is equal to LMUL, right? – except it is not, it’s actually <vscale x 8 x i32>.

To find the answer, we navigate to a line sitting just above the table in the same page:

…vscale is defined as VLEN/64 (see RISCV::RVVBitsPerBlock).

It suggests that we can calculate the minimum number of scalable vector elements for a RVV type using RISCV::RVVBitsPerBlock, a magic constant that is set to 64. The code comment for RISCV::RVVBitsPerBlock doens’t explain a lot, nor is clear what “block” here means.

In this short post, I’m going to explain how the table is created and the actual purpose of this mistery RISCV::RVVBitsPerBlock constant.

ARM SVE – the origin of scalable vector types

I know it’s weird to start a RISC-V blog post with ARM, but I think it’s imperative to understand the origin of scalable vector types in LLVM first.

ARM introduced SVE (Scalable Vector Extension) about 8 years ago. SVE allows vector registers to scale their size by a certain runtime factor, LEN. The figure below1 shows the structure of vector registers in SVE.

Scalable vector registers in ARM SVE

When LEN is set to 3, each vector registers Z0 ~ Z31 has a size of 512 bits (128 * 3 + 128).

Sounds familiar, right? That’s because the scalable vector type in LLVM we just talked about was introduced by ARM folks for SVE, and it’s using the exact same principle.

In the most basic setting, the scalable vector type for a SVE vector has minimum number of elements equal to 128 divided by element size, like <vscale x 4 x i32> or <vscale x 2 x i64>. And during runtime, vscale is equal to LEN + 1.

If we think of a single SVE vector register being multiple 128-bit vector registers slapped together – which I believe it is indeed what happens in hardware – the runtime factor (i.e. LEN) dictates the number of those fixed-size, 128-bit registers.

Now we learned that LLVM’s scalable vector type is basically a 1:1 mapping to ARM SVE vectors, let’s see how well (or bad) it maps to RISC-V vectors.

Scalable vector types meet RVV

In RVV, each vector register, v0 ~ v31, has a size of VLEN bits. VLEN is a hardware-defined constant. Though each RISC-V processor has its own fixed-value VLEN, the software doesn’t know it during compile time – assuming you’re building a portable binary.

As introduced earlier in the post, RVV instructions operate on logical vector register, which is a group of LMUL actual vector registers, as depicted by the following figure.

RISC-V vector registers

To update the current LMUL and element type – which is also known as SEW (Selected Element Width) – during runtime, we can use instructions like vsetvl and vsetvli.

For instance, vsetvl rd, rs1, rs2 updates the current LMUL and SEW settings according to the (runtime) value stored in scalar register rs2. This LMUL + SEW combination – part of a RVV setting called vtype – will continue to hold until another vsetvl-family instruction change the vtype.

Here is the catch: compilers do NOT generate vsetvl in like 99% of the cases.

Instead, we use one of its siblings, vsetvli, which encodes the desired vtype with immediate value operands. For instance, vsetvli x2, x0, e32, m4 sets the new LMUL into 4 because of m4, an immediate value, and the new SEW to be 32-bit wide because of e32, also an immediate value.

With vsetvli, we can actually know the exact LMUL of a certain region of code ahead of time. For example, the following snippet uses different vtype settings in three different regions, but we’re able to statically determine the exact LMUL (and SEW) values in each region.

 1vsetvli t0, zero, e32, m2, ta, ma
 2# === operate on LMUL=2 & SEW of 32 bits ====
 3vadd.vv v2, v2, v4
 4vadd.vv v2, v2, v6
 5# ===========================================
 7vsetvli t0, zero, e32, m4, ta, ma
 8# === operate on LMUL=4 & SEW of 32 bits ====
 9vadd.vv v0, v0, v4
10vadd.vv v0, v0, v8
11# ===========================================
13vsetvli t0, zero, e64, m4, ta, ma
14# === operate on LMUL=4 & SEW of 64 bits ====
15vadd.vv v0, v0, v4
16vadd.vv v0, v0, v8
17# ===========================================

The bottome line is that in most cases, LMUL is considered to be “semi-dynamic” – it might change during runtime, but in a more deterministic way.

And that is one of the reasons why RISC-V backend assigns each LMUL (and SEW) a unique scalable vector type – because it is possible to determine it during compile time. In comparison, ARM SVE folds all the dynamic bits into a single parameter, vscale.

But now a new problem emerges: VLEN is unknown during compile time, because different RISC-V processors might have different VLEN values. Without knowing the exact value of VLEN we’re unable to know the number of elements in a single vector register, which is different from SVE’s case because the latter effectively has a “base” vector register of 128 bits.

Let’s try to solve this problem with one of our (incorrect) intuitions mentioned earlier: use LMUL – the “known” value – as the minimum number of elements in a scalable vector type, and fold every unknowns – including VLEN – into vscale. So LMUL=4 + SEW=32 becomes <vscale x 4 x i32> or <vscale x 4 x f32>.

To illustrate this solution, let’s rearrange our RVV LMUL figure earlier so that the unknown part, VLEN, is put along the horizontal axis, while individual vector registers are arranged vertically with the respective LMUL quantity.

A naive way to map RVV vectors to scalable vector types

In this solution, RVV’s vscale value is equal to the number of (vertical) dotted boxes, VLEN / SEW. This means that we might have different vscale at different code regions since SEW might change (recall the snippet shown above) – and that, causes lots of inconveniences.

The value of vscale is essential to estimating the number of vector elements, which directly relates to many things like vectorization factors (i.e. how many items can we process in a single iteration of a vectorized loop). Having a more predictable range of vscale is always preferrable to the optimizers.

To have a vscale value that doesn’t depend on SEW, there is a simple trick: create a fake, fixed-size “base vector” similar to what SVE has.

The figure above used a fake base vector of 64 bits, which contains 2 elements in it when SEW=32. Combining with LMUL=4, we get eight 32-bit elements in a single dotted box. Again, vscale value is equal to the number of dotted boxes, but this time, we can easily evaluate it with VLEN / 64 – vscale no longer depends on SEW.

The size of the fake base vector, 64 bits in this example, is RISCV::RISCVBitsPerBlock.

It sound a little bit like magic where the SEW factor just suddenly disappears from the equation. But what it really does was simply using the least common multiple (LCM) of all the supported SEW (8, 16, 32, and 64 bits) to “tile” VLEN.

Granted, it’s not really common to use RISCV::RISCVBitsPerBlock directly, but I thought it’s fun to know where it came from and why it’s created in the first place. And that’s all for this short post! Hope you enjoy.

  1. I redrew this figure from ARM’s official document. Because the original figure missed an important component – it’s “LEN x 128”, not just “LEN 128”. ↩︎

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